Creation Care
Creation Care
What we believe
All of creation bears God’s fingerprints - he made it, delights in it and cares for it. His whole creation worships Him. Our relationships with God and each other are not separate from our relationship with creation. In the Bible, we are called to be gardeners, caretakers, stewards, good tenants and good neighbours.
Creation Care
Our Call
At the Lantern, we are committed to caring for the world God created. We know that caring for the planet is directly intertwined with loving our neighbours around the world who are bearing the brunt of the climate crisis. We are dedicated to playing our part in God’s restoration story and being a beacon of God’s love, hope and justice in this area.
Creation Care
What we do
To help us on our journey, we are part of the Eco Church scheme, run by A Rocha, which helps churches to consider how to care for God’s creation through different aspects of church life. We have achieved our Silver Award and are now working towards our Gold Award. We have various ways of getting involved with the work we do, check out the links below for more information.