Ways to give
Giving at the Lantern
We have an amazing Heavenly Father who loves to provide for all we need. One of the ways we can honour Him is with our finances - through our 'tithes' (10% of what we receive) and also our 'offerings'. These gifts enable the church here to serve Him better in our local ministry and in mission projects further afield.
The simplest way to make a one-off gift to support the church, is by clicking the button below and donating via Church Suite.
Giving leaflet
If you would like to you can download our giving leaflet here
These can be put in the collection during services or dropped into the Office. If you give by cheque, please make it payable to ‘CMPCC (Lantern)’.
Many prefer to give by Standing Order and arrange to pay a monthly sum directly from their bank/building society into the church account.
If you would like to set up a form of regular giving, please use the information from the ‘Giving Leaflet’ below to set up a regular payment with your bank either via online banking, telephone banking or in person at your branch.
Envelopes are available for weekly or monthly offerings, which can then be put into the collection during our worship services.
If you are a UK tax payer, by completing a Gift Aid Declaration Form, your giving is increased by 25p per every £1, at no extra cost to you (the additional amount being given by the Inland Revenue!). Download a copy of the 'Giving Leaflet', fill out the 'Gift Aid Declaration' Form and pass to Andy Farmer or the Church Office.
There are often people within the church and outside who face genuine hardship through unemployment, financial downturn, sickness etc. If you have a need, or know of someone who needs emergency financial support, or if you wish to contribute to the Love fund please make cheques payable to "CMPCC, the Lantern" and enclose in an enveloped marked ‘THE LOVE FUND’ – c/o the Church Office.
For more information on the Lovefund please select the button below.